Kara is a special education teacher with over 30 years of experience in K-12 education and a trainer with many years of experience providing professional development. She uses the strategies she teaches in her own practice. She loves finding, creating, and sharing processes and resources that WORK! She spends the time trying them out so you don't have to - you can be assured that what Kara teaches WORKS!
" I love how clear your directions were and how you responded to my questions (so fast!) with helpful answers." -- Marie Zoller SpEd Teacher"
"I liked Kara's presentation style. It is easy to follow and she makes you feel comfortable" -- Denise Rutherford"
"Kara did a great job of explaining everything, she was easy to follow and understand. It helped that she shared what did and didn't work for her, hints and tips, free vs cost, links to the tools, etc. - this really streamlined things for me and helped to save time. The format she used worked for me - videos of Kara showing how to utilize each tool in real time."
"Kara is awesome, and I thought the content was delivered in an easy to access format. She was very available when we needed help or further clarification!"
"I loved having the videos to watch. I could stop and finish writing my notes and I could also re-watch the videos. I loved the course and I am looking forward to using it for this coming school year."
"As a teacher, we're given a lot of information. Most of it is just more work and makes the job harder. This was all useful and will make life a little easier. We all need that. Thanks so much!"
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Empowering Teachers to Save Time Without Sacrificing Effectiveness
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